Gerando os sonhos de Deus

by Atos6

News & Magazines


WHO ARE WE?We at GSD are a Ministry of Personal Edification, through the Written, Read and Heard Word! ...Here we will have Books, E-books and Audiobooks and Videos, available to our Affiliates and Partners, FRIENDS of Gerando os Sonhos de Deus.We are not a church, but We Build Lives through the Word.We have united our Tools, to Feed and Bless Lives,Families and Ministries Spiritually speaking; and We rely on Friends and Partners with the same purpose.Grateful! GSD - Prophetic Ministry, Generating the Dreams of God.For. Vanderléia Camargo & Pr. Adão Camargo, and Team.Resources available in the Application: News, Church Agenda, Events, Contents, Projects, Live Transmission and Teaching Module.